Monday 8 June 2015

Pre Release Sales are now available

Secure your pre Release copy of Colour Your Life before July 1st and you will receive a 20% discount off the recommended retail price of $16.95US (plus postage).
Please send me an email at to indicate your interest and arrange payment.

Colour Your Life is a 76 page visual journal with 36 illustrations for you to colour and add your personal touch. Each illustrations comes with a journal prompt to inspire your writing.

Colour the pages with pencils. markers or pens and create a beautiful keepsake.

Friday 17 April 2015

Todays Sneak Peek

I've been hard at it.
I would like to produce two pages a day, but my cold has been holding me back a little.
Today I did get two pages done and here is a sneak peek at one of them.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Welcome - An introduction to me and my project

Hi there world.

My name is Jennidee Mills and I am a freelance designer from Australia.

Lately I have been crazy about colouring.

Colouring as an adult in isn't something that is new to me. Of course as a child I loved to colour (but rarely finished a page). And as a young adult I carried that love of colour into my art work. At 17 I was lucky enough to have a wonderful brother who started his working life early and splashed out by buying me a fabulous wooden box of 72 Derwent pencils for Christmas. I still have them and treasure them, but I've collected many more since.

I never stopped producing art work, and even made my own colouring pages for kids as I went into my career as a primary school teacher (that's kids ages 5 to 12 in Australia).

Then about 10 years ago I discovered Deviant art and enjoyed uploading my art work and black line drawings for a much wider audience.

You can see that account here if you are interested.

Luckily for me, Shyla Jannusch saw my work there and asked me if I would like to contribute some artwork for her new group,  Coloring For All. Not only did I take her up on the offer, but I followed her into the group as a member and found a whole new wonderful community of lovely people who shared their colouring online.

WOW! I was hooked. I started sharing more and more there ans then started adding colouring pages to my ETSY shop.

I found I was doing more colouring than anything else over the next little while and created a new ETSY shop JUST for the colouring pages.

At the same time I was about to start teaching a course for art journalling. The course, held at my local high school through Nepean Community College would teach those who felt they had no artistic ability how to express themselves through easy painting and drawing methods that we all did as kids.

And then someone on the colouring group commented asking what other colourists did with their work when it was finished. Do you throw it out? She asked. I was horrified. Spend all that time on making something lovely and then just recycle it? No way!

So I made the link between my colouring pages and my love of journalling and started producing pages for a colouring journal. That way people could colour lovely pages, but also write something meaningful on them so that they become a keepsake.

Following Shya's example, I started the group at facebook called Colour Your Life to add free pages each week.

Thankfully the response was great. There were colourists interested in my idea.
So I didn't feel like I could stop there. Producing one page a week to put in a clear folder is wonderful ... but how about a book that you can work through?

So that is what I am working on now.

Would you like a sneaky peek?

I have coloured the cover (though I may have one more go)

 And here is a slice of one of the pages (can't give away the entire page just yet!!!)

Are you excited about the release? I am! 
The current release date is July 31st 2015.

Soon I will be offering pre-release offers, like a signed copy, or a discount to those who pre order.

Please leave me a comment below and let me know if you are interested at this time. At this stage the price will be set at $15.95

After consultation with some US friends the price will be set at $12.95

Let me know what you think!

And stay tuned for more sneaky peeks.